Vortrag: Mapping eminence and expertise of talented STEM students - A study of talent development from India

Vortrag von Paromita Roy (Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search, Kolkata, Indien)

18:30 - 19:30
[0002020048] Hörsaal HS 02.21, Universitätsplatz 2, 2.Obergeschoß


Talent and giftedness are boundaryless phenomena with implications across countries, people and domains. Dr Roy will talk about how talent and giftedness is viewed in India, the most populous country in the world. She will focus on issues such as equity, programs and policies for the gifted and talented in India. Ms Roy will then continue to discuss the possibilities to foster giftedness in STEM. In doing so she will highlight the need for linking psychological science with education to enrich educators, parents and society in order to support young gifted and talented students.